
Julissa photos of Clarice in her new home!  (formerly named Christy and now named Clarice)


Hi Debbie,
I'm helping a friend look for a kitten (she doesn't want long-hair, so no persians for her!) and in doing so, I looked at your website and as always, just fell in love with all the kitten photos on there!  I swear, you raise the MOST gorgeous kitties of anyone!!  I wish I could just go over there and play with and snuggle all those adorable babies!!

I just wanted to say hello and let you know that my two babies, Bella and Wiley are doing great and I love them more each day, if that is possible!  Bella is SO smart and she is now jumping through hoops for treats!  I think she loves to learn new tricks (she also twirls around and stands up like a ballerina. I call her "Bellarina"!)  Wiley refuses to do any tricks as he's learned  he'll get treats even if he doesn't do tricks!  He talks to me all the time and answers all the questions I ask him.  He's a huge fluffy love bug!!  Bella is a total momma's girl, but she's starting to really like the two women who take care of her when I'm out of town and they both love both of my kitties!  

I hope all is well with you!  Did you find Sharif a good home?  I hope so!  I considered taking him, but I think my two kitties would have been traumatized.....especially Bella! 
Merry Christmas!  Carol


Hi Carol, I have been thinking of you and was wondering how you are doing and your babies.  Wiley’s dad Sharif Amir has been adopted.

wish you would have contacted me, I would have made it happen for you!

I know how much you loved him !

What have you been doing?  I mean with your travels, etc?
You mentioned a friend does not want a longhaired cat.  

I breed Exotic Shorthair cats too!
Available in mid and late 2020, maybe before.  
Let me know if she is interested.   Merry Christmas!   Debbie


Lisa purchased a Christmas present for her daughter " Libby "  . . . choosing a lovely - perfect Silver Chinchilla female Persian kitten named " Little Dolly" .  


Debbie, She (Little Dolly) is doing great!

Definitely skittish last night (after arriving) and some this morning.  I Think she is adjusting beautifully . . .  long trip ad I think it was because she needed to go pooty 

That is the first thing she did when she got here!  Potty!

Poor thing   . long time to hold it.

She is eating . . . and loves the rug in her safe room !

12-3-19  Lisa, all kittens will be disoriented when they arrive . . . everything is new and smells different and she has lost her home, mommy and siblings.  They quickly adjust to a new home and I am glad you are in love with her!   It was hard to part with this lovely lady!   I really wanted to keep her.  Have a Merry Christmas with your family and daughter "Libby" !   What a lovely Christmas present !  You are one amazing mom !   Thank you for entrusting in TinyPersians.  Debbie


Customer Testimonial Reviews- 2019

" He far surpasses my expectations of what

I thought he would be !  I am in love ! " 

" I just can't get enough of him ! "  

" Thank you Debbie & Steve for

doing an excellent breeding !"  

" she purrs when I hold her !!
She follows me around too! " 

" We love them to death and 
melt our hearts !"  

"This kitty is a heart breaker!  "

"She woke me this morning climbing on my bed 
and purring as loud as a train!"

"He is gentle and very responsive to touch -  
He is an Angel !! "

" Love's Dream Girl

Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Persian female


" Charleen"

Shaded Silver Doll Face Persian female

 These two lovely very tiny Persian kittens were

acquired by Darleen and Marty of Louisiana

The day Darleen contacted Debbie with TinyPersians she requested for TinyPersians to communicate with a translator

and from that point Darleen and Marty very soon confirmed 

they wanted to reserve 2 Persian female kittens !

Recently they had lost 2 beloved Persians of 17 years

and indicated they had loved them dearly!  

Contacting Debbie with TinyPersians facebook Darleen and Marty

soon visited the TinyPersians website where extra small

 size Persians were available.

Nevertheless, within days they choose 2 Persian kittens

" Love's Dream Girl"
Silver Chinch
la Doll Face Persian female &
" Charleen"

Shaded Silver Doll Face Persian female were delivered to

the Baton Rouge Airport in Louisiana where their new family

met the little Persian kittens.   

Darleen's sister enjoyed the event and all 3 celebrated

their new much loved Silver Persians arriving ! 

" Fallon "


Tinker flying in a private Jet from Texas USA to Panama -

where this lovely Silver Chinchilla TinyPersian will now resides !

Lillianne an Interior Designer chose this Persian kitten for her sole mate!  Thank you Lillianne for choosing "Tinker" !  Debbie

More 2019 Testimonials 

Kim and Warren 


​departed 1-5-20  Choosing " Joy" 

a very tiny Silver Chinchilla Persian female kitten weighing only 1 pound - 15 ounces at 3 months, 1 week old


"Joy" has a sturdy well framed body, very short and cobby, extra short tail and huge expressive eyes! 


" Casper has been a complete joy! We just love him.  He is so good and loving.  

We could not ask for more.  He has the run of the house and follows me everywhere.  

He is a real lap cat.  So gentle ad loving.  Just what we were looking for.  

He is also very active chasing toys.  Thank you so much.

We are giving him a great home . . . he is very happy."  Ruth


"Debbie,  Casper is so sweet and smart! 

We have had cats and Persians before but

he is the smartest one we have had ! 

He retrieves balls and toys so we can throw them again.  

When he is looking for me, he goes threw the house calling mama.  

When I tell him to do something he doesn’t want to do he says no and shakes his head no.  He follows me everywhere and even sleeps right by my side.

When I say let’s go clean your eyes and get a massage (brush him out) he runs into the laundry room and waits for me to pick Him up and put him in the table then he lays down and starts to purr!   We do this every day, he loves it!"

"These are just a few things he does.  

We are just in love with him and spoiled him all the time.  

I just can’t tell you how much we love to watch his antics.  

He is a funny cat and he knows it.  

He is our home intertainment center.  He even teases me.  
I can’t thank you enough for picking him out for us! 

We will always take really good care of him

and give him lots of love.
Thank you so much and have a Very
Ruth and Harold Posey

"Merry Christmas Ruth!   I am so happy you are enjoying him.  

Lovely photos and thank you for your kind words. " Debbie (TinyPersians)


Ruth, Oh my Goodness Ruth!  What a surprise ! So beautiful!  Memorable too knowing Casper helped !  :)  Thank you so Kindly Ruth!  You are so talented and generous!   Merry Christmas (2019) to you all! "  

Debbie (and Steve)


" Debbie, She is so sweet and precious.  Always playing!

Talks a lot when she wants to know where I am.  Twills to the other two cats.  She's a joy and we adore her.  Hope your holidays are special.   Thank you for our "Angel", and thank you for her baby pictures."   Karen (and Chuck)  Turtle Creek - Dallas, Texas

12-29-19 " Karen, you are so sweet!  I am so happy you love her and sounds like she. has a dream home!  Yes she is a sweetie!  I wanted to keep her, but loving her is to let her go.

​Thank you Kindly for your thoughtful message." Debbie (TinyPersians)

Karen and Chuck

of Turtle Creek - Dallas Texas

​depart 2019 with their beloved

" Angel"  a tiny female Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten

This kitten was not on the sales list . . . but Karen found a picture of "Angle" on the site . . . and that was the kitten she wanted !  

Debbie felt if she loved this kitten so much, this was the best thing for " Angel "

​She is much loved and that is what counts !

" Fallon "

Darleen's sister joins Marty and Darleen

picking up their new TinyPersians

​from the Baton Rouge Airport in Louisiana   

" Angel "



We had to put a little bell on her because even though we have her confined to just our room and bathroom she finds the tiniest places to get into.  ​But I can her her jingle when she moves.  

She cones to me when I call her thought !!  And she purrs when I hold her !!

She follows me around too!  :). I carried her a lot of the way home to

San Antonio because she was crying in the kennel so I think she got attached pretty quick!  

We have named her (Christie) Clarice.    Julissa


Hey Debbie!
 I am also emailing these pictures that I text tonight of our beautiful new family addition!

Thanks for bringing her into our life Clarice (formerly named Christie) has been such a joy!  

She sleeps above my head on my pillow at night and follows me around the house during the day! She sure does remind me when it’s dinner time too :-) The kids adore her and my chihuahua sleeps next to her. They’re old friends already. Everyone who sees her comments on how beautiful she is. I bathe her myself with all the products you recommended and she gets combed when we lay down for bed every night. I will send more pictures next week from Christmas - Santa is bringing her some gifts. Hope all is well!  Thanks for the Christmas card !   Julissa 



Ruth a customer made a kitten quilt

for Debbie of TinyPersians

" Joy" Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Persian female

 Debbie,  This kitty is a heart breaker!  

She woke me this morning climbing on my bed

and purring as loud as a train!
You must spend every minute holding her

because that’s what she clearly expects!  

Gets between me and the iPad and purrs for attention!  

What a little love!  

Warren (my husband) was bummed he had to go to work

and I get to stay home with her!    Kim

" Love's Dream Girl"

Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Persian female


" Charleen"

Shaded Silver Doll Face Persian female

 Thank you Debbie & Steve for doing an excellent breeding !  We love them to death and melt our hearts ! 

Want to express sincere thanks to Katelann for taking great care of both babies during the flights !  

Katelann is d.c. such a sweet caring person! 

Thanks for choosing her as our (airline) nanny!

  She is the best!   

We would love to meet you & Steve one day !   

Thanks you so much!  😻😻❤️😎

Shaded Golden Persian

Tequila Sunrise

Golden Persian

Now resides

in California with Terry

" Angel "


" Hi Debbie!!  We are finally home it was a long flight.

Here are some pictures :). 
I got the carrier at PetSmart in Houston.

Let me see if I can find it online

and I’ll share the link with you. 
Tinker is doing great, she slept most of the flight

and was only up for about 30 minutes.   

Tomorrow I will send you pictures of her at home!    

Have a great night!   Lillianne

​Lillianne, I love the carrier you choose to pick up "Tinker"!  

I can see Tinker has an A+ forever home ! 

Thank you for giving her such a perfect new home !  Debbie 


"Fallon" is doing great! She is eating and playing (first day home).  Loves being with Lindsay's (wife) - lap kitten!   Thank you again, we love her!  The Putnams 

Merry Christmas Mike and Lindsay!   The Vet and tech assistant loved "Fallon".  They were laughing at her personality - saying she was all energy !  
 Debbie (TinyPersians)

" Joy "

" Love's Dream Girl "

Silver Chinchilla Doll Face Persian female


Reserve a " Golden Persian kitten " today !


pound, 1 ounce at 13 weeks old 

Now that is tiny!

She is well developed - healthy - fluffy - extremely small

as her dam is barely 4 pounds !

​  Born September 5th, 2019

At time of departure, Debbie with TinyPersians overlooked taking departure photos of Karen and Chuck picking up the "Angel" Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten . . .

Well heading down the road . . . 

Debbie snaps a photo of "Angel" heading to her new home!  >

Darleen and Marty knew what they wanted

quickly choose 2 of the miniature TinyPersians stars!

Within days the kittens were in their arms! 

​Thank you Marty and Darleen for giving our beloved 

Persian kittens a loving forever home!  Debbie

Departed 2 -12-20


" Tequila is doing fine, letting him out of the bedroom supervised to wonder the house.  Other kitties are closed off in master suite but Tequila can smell them.   He is responsive and sweet, Im so impressed by him.  He is gentle and very responsive to touch. 

He is an Angel !! "  Terry

"  Is he eating?  "  Debbie

"  Yes he is eating fine, I just can't get enough of him" .

" He far surpasses my expectations of what I thought he would be !  I am in love ! "    Terry

Tequila Sunrise a "Golden" Persian 2 years old

now resides with Terry in California !   

" Charleen"

Shaded Silver Doll Face Persian female