Susan gives her mom a lovely TinyPersian gift . . .
"Isabella" a Silver Chinchilla female kitten as a emotional companion support Persian kitten
Customer 11-14-20 photo
Susan meticulously grooms
her TinyPersian . . .
very impressive care !
Customer 1-24-21 photo
2-7-21 3:28 PM
"Isabella" now 4 months old!
Susan gives her mom (Theresa) a TinyPersian
Silver Chinchilla Persian kitten
named "Isabella" as a companion kitten
Here Theresa is giving "Isabella" a ride in her walker!
Something "Isabella" likes!
" Isabella"
" Isabella"
Hi Debbie,
"Yes, little Isabella gets groomed daily . . .
It’s time for her nails to be clipped
I want to trim her nails without trimming her fur around her nails
She has these nice big paws
Do you still have her pictures on your website of Isabella or were they removed?
I was trying to find her on the website to show mom photos when she was younger
A attached is a couple more photos"
"Hi Debbie & Steve,
Thank you so much for Isabella
She is adjusting to her new home very quickly
It seems she’s been with us for a while.
Isabella is so loving . . .
we couldn’t have matched them both more perfectly
She will have a forever home!
My mom loves Isabella already
Mom thought about Isabella all night,
and slept very well for a change . . . What a blessing!"
Attach is a photo of them both >
Sat Jan 9th 2021
"Hi Susan, Cute photos of Little Isabella
Nice to see photos of clean eyes!
That isn’t always the case
I can tell the condition of her coat you all are taking incredible care of her!
Thank you for that!"
Debbie - TinyPersians
" Isabella"
" Isabella"
Hi Susan, Fantastic!
Looks like they both are enjoying each other!
Debbie with TinyPersians
The Isabella Story
" Isabella"
Susan a loving daughter surprises her mom
with a lovely TinyPersian Silver Chinchilla kitten
DOB 9-14-2020
2021 TinyPersians Customer Testimonials
" Isabella"
" Theresa"
"Good morning Debbie (& Steve),
Hope you both had a wonderful Christmas and New Year?
I do want you to know that Isabella is doing great
She adjusted immediately to my home environment
My mom receives daily enjoyment and entertainment from little Isabella,
and she is loved every day!
Isabella loves to play too!
There’s never a dull moment in the house!
Isabella was the best decision I made for my mom!
My entire family loves Isabella;
she gets a lot of attention from everyone!
She is currently in my mom’s walker by the bed
I will take a photo for you
Thank you for this little beautiful animal!
Photos are attached
Take care and stay in touch"
Isabella few weeks old
DOB 9-14-20
TinyPersian 2020 photo