After much search for the perfect outcross male
to cross with our already successful breeding program . . .
Moscato was added as a Sire to TinyPersians
Adding a sire to TinyPersians is carefully examined
and research before acquiring
Then even after a new sire arrived he is watched for months as he grows to make sure
he is to the standards of our breeding program
We have acquired several sires with much disappointment
that they did not arrive as a top breeder potential
This does not mean they were an inferior Persian, however, we are meticulous in our outcrossing and
a choice for our breeding sires must be as flawless as possible !
This is what Moscato is !
Moscato's first kitten litters will arrive January 2019 !
If you are wanting a lovely doll face Persian kitten with a look like this, reserve one today !
It is never too early to reserve a kitten !
Shoppers often send a photo of a TinyPersian kitten they have seen, saying . . .
" I want a kitten that looks Just like this ! "
If you are seeking a specific look, a deposit coming in early will give you an opportunity to choose first !
You may be lucky and just contact us when we have litters ! Why risk this !
We want you happy, so please reserve in advance !
Sharif Amir
Doll Face
A new sire of TinyPersians
Turquoise Eyes !
​. . . one gorgeous Doll Face Silver Chinchilla !
First 2019 Litters arriving !
We are considering retiring this Persian male . . .
ask how he can be yours !